GTA Vice City Savegame PC – 100% + Mission Wise (After Each Mission)

GTA Vice city Savegame PC - 100% + Mission Wise (After Each Mission)

From here, you can download GTA vice city Savegame PC – 100% (story complete savegame without cheat OR Skip mission file) + Each Mission Wise (After Each Story Mission).

Contents  show 

What is GTA Vice City PC save file?

GTA Vice City save file is a file that stores all your game progress details. how many missions have you finished or how many missions are left to complete, etc When you finish any missions, that data save in the savegame file, and that savegame file exists here at this location – C:\Users\Samrat\Documents\GTA Vice City User Files.

Thus, when you put a 100 percent savegame file in the savegame location of the game, after loading that particular savegame, you will notice that all missions have been completed.

Same like that, if you will put a specific mission completed savefile in the savegame location of GTA vice city, then you will notice – that mission gets completed and you can start the next mission.

GTA Vice city Savegame PC – 100%

Benefits of using 100% savegame

  • Skip all missions of GTA vice city in 1 minute.
  • Open the Full map of this game.
  • The game gets fully completed.
  • It will Open all cities, all countries, all bridges.
  • It will open all shops, and rest all things.
GTA Vice city Savegame PC – 100%

Stats of 100% Savegame

  • The game is fully completed.
  • Huge Money about – 999999999$
  • A lot of weapons.
GTA Vice city Savegame PC – 100 Savegame stats Screenshots
100% Savegame Stats
GTA Vice city Savegame PC -100%

GTA Vice City Savegame PC – Mission Wise (After Each Mission)

Benefits of using Mission wise savegame

  • It enables me to play any mission as per my interest.
  • No need to play serial-wise missions, I can play any mission according to my interest.
  • Example – If the 50th mission is hard for me, then I will skip this mission and simply I will put the 51st mission savefile in the savegame location of GTA vice city and I will start playing the 52nd mission without completing the 50th mission successfully.
GTA Vice city Savegame PC - Mission Wise (After Each Mission)

Gameplay Screenshots After Putting Savefile

Gameplay Screenshot after Skipping all missions
Gameplay Screenshots After Putting 100% Savefile

Gameplay Screenshot after completing all missions

How to Put GTA Vice city Savegame 100% + Mission-wise savegame on PC (Desktop or Laptop).

Putting Steps for 100% Savegame

  • Download 100% save file OR Each mission savefile from this page ( download button is given below).
  • if you downloaded only 100% savefile of the Game, then go to the location, where you downloaded 100% save file of GTA vice city.
  • Now copy this type of file- ” GTAVCsf2.b ”  and go to document >>> then go inside this folder – GTA vice city User Files >>> then paste there after coming to GTA vice city User Files folder.
  • If the file already exists, replace it.
  • Now restart your GTA vice city PC game, then select – load game option and click on any save game.
  • Everything is now done, Enjoy.

Putting Steps for Mission-wise Savegame

  • If you downloaded Each mission save file – simply first Download & Install –  WinRar software
  • Now go there, where you downloaded Each mission savefile.
  • Now right-click on it – GTA Vice city Savegame PC – 100% + Mission Wise (After Each Mission).rar, then click on extract here. Now go inside the folder – GTA Vice city Savegame PC – 100% + Mission Wise (After Each Mission), then select any particular mission, then right-click on that particular mission and click on extract here. Copy that savefile (file like this) – GTAVCsf2.b and paste it at this location –C:\Users\yourusername\Documents\GTA Vice City User Files. Note: Before copying the save files, you can keep your old files in a safer location.

File info before downloading the savefile

100% GTA vice city PC savegame file Name and SizeGTAVCsf2.b and Size = 198 KB
GTA vice city Each mission PC
savegame file name and Size
GTA Vice city Savegame PC -
100% + Mission Wise
(After Each Mission).rar and size =
This Savegame works only inPC, GTA Vice city Game
Location,where we need to put savegame fileC:\Users\yourusername
GTA Vice City User Files

GTA Vice City PC 100% savegame + Mission-wise savegame download from below


Watch Video to Complete GTA vice city all mission

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